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  • Hey man hmu interested in joining here ranks of syn again I'm xMiiraGe on steam
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    Reactions: SYN FIN XS
    Hello Lambo, thank you for the request, but I am already in the ranks. How is everything going with you?
    Its been a few weeks since i posted a message so figured i would give a update. Right now, we just finished up painting the master room (our room), gotta paint the bathroom. My sons room got painted right before he was born. Got to paint the living room, hallway, kitchen, and my mancave room. The other 2 rooms will be mu brother seths. The other room will be summers brothers joshes. There responsible for there own rooms and bathroom. For now were waiting on my fainces parents to fix the laundry roon floor. Once all thats done we will be pulling up carpet and floors to put down vynill. For now we have gardens that need mulch and a acre and a half to cut. The grass grows fast here in Georgia. Me and my fiance both work full time jobs. And my phoenix turned 8 months old yesterday. Hes so rotten and spoiled. Things at my work have dramatically changed, along with management. My department finally stands a chance of being a full on department. Meaning more money and more responsibility.
    For anyone that looks at my page i am still here and still exist. Ive just been dealing with life choices. April 1st i will bw forced to find a new home and car for my fiance and son. Or i will be without a home. I do not want to be forgotten. So please do not forget about your famous stabber. But if anything happens and you cannot reach me through social media, xbox, or website. Connect with people im close to in the community or personal life.
    Yo, I saw you on Black Ops 1 yesterday but I was on my friends account. Haha. Small world.
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