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Ladii X

I'm a girl....I play video games.....it's really hard to be a girl in the gaming community especially when guys can be sore lozerzzs but yea Leave me alone n I'll leave you alone......I use to be in the PMS PS2 clan females + Clan= DRAMA..as i said im a very nice person 2 play with jus don't get on my bad side...You'll kno when i'm ignoring you if i don't answer to u....plzzz don't be annoying n bother me.....I'm hear to play n have fun...

xoXoxox Crissi
Joizy Baby.....
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Female
College Freshman
In the 3nd were n0t gunna kn0 each 0therz nam3z