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  • Okay now i can say the full message without being rush now let me say that ill be not on xbox live or the internet for 3 years 1 year for good behavier maybe, broke two rules 1 i am in mutiple clans 2 i ranked boasted, i dont know if you did know or not but just wanted to say it i will be able to keep in contact if my cell phone doesnt get taken away so see you guys in 3 years if you guys are still on which i highly doubt no offence well good bye ps it is not your fault. unstable: wish you good in this hope you dont leave you will run this clan someday
    Ok since i tried to send the same message over and over again on my cheap cell phone!! My life has turn for the worst so i have to leave the clan for atleast 3 years ill try to come back, i wont be able to keep in contact, i broke two kog rules, i wish you guys well so good bye ps this is not your fault
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