C C cLoNEs75 Feb 26, 2014 Guess what Relentless, Game night on Wednesday 11 o'clock eastern on blops 2. We will be saying goodbye to XGC Ensoul. He is leaving for the Navy on the 4th.
Guess what Relentless, Game night on Wednesday 11 o'clock eastern on blops 2. We will be saying goodbye to XGC Ensoul. He is leaving for the Navy on the 4th.
C C cLoNEs75 Feb 5, 2014 Attention Relentless Game night!!! Be their Thursday Blops2 11 o'clock eastern be their or be square
C C cLoNEs75 Jan 27, 2014 congratulations to XGC HKDecimate XS and XGC Defender XS on their promotions