Once you click on your the name of your squad list (Whiskey Company) look on the bottom left of the window that contains your list and it should say "Edit" Click on edit and what used to be your squad list will be changed to white words (this is the code for the list) with a black background. Make sure only to delete a persons name. Deleting the code will miss up the format of your list, but it is easily fixed. Also if you have any other questions, it might be better to send a private message instead of posing a visitor message. Either way works fine as long as you don't say anything that is supposed to be classified. But if you do send me a private message just look right underneath my gamertag (while on my profile) and click on "Send Private Message" then just type the message and send it. It is the same as a visitor message, but just...well private. Anyway Brownjar message me if you have any other questions or concerns. I will be online tomorrow at 6pm central time.