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Change Is In The Air

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Change Is In The Air

Gaming today is much more advanced than it was when Xiled Gaming was founded seventeen years ago. As technology has evolved, the interaction between players has devolved. Back in the day, you could jump into a COD: Black Ops 2 lobby and have a conversation with your team and possible the whole lobby. Nowadays, you’re lucky to find anyone with a microphone in game chat. How can we as a gaming community combat these new norms? It is super simple: Have FUN!

People play video games to have fun, not to just shoot people or build stuff then go to bed. They want to talk to people, play games with someone, and have a genuine conversation with someone that isn’t spewing vulgar comments or a mouthy child. In other words, they are looking for an experience. We, as a gaming community, can make that happen. Xiled Gaming’s ultimate goal is to bring a new and better gaming experience to online gaming. What separates us from lesser communities is in our...


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A few of us "founding members" were in a clan in Unreal 2, well before Halo 2. I at the time joined KSI. We were only 8 members then. Eventually, a few more of my personal friends joined too. When Halo 2 was released we started a clan on there known as KSI SECTION 8. As that clan grew so did I in KSI. Eventually, a few others and I wanted to go and make our own clan in KSI. After much battling and a few people being removed from KSI at the time, we were able to make the 1 clan that brings us to where we are now. XILED KINGS! As that clan grew and split more and more clans were made out of it and to pay respect to what started it all they put XK at the end of their clan name. ex KSI UNREAL XK. At the time we were in KSI and XK was known for its rules and age requirement so I made another section in KSI called NEW DYNASTY. NEW DYNASTY had no age requirement. (I hope you are getting my hints.) Once we were ready to move on and leave KSI, the name for our new community was very simple...


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Xiled Gaming has grown to be the largest and most successful gaming community on XBOX LIVE! Xiled Gaming is moving forward and NOT looking back at the past! With talented leaders who are working on different and important things, Xiled Gaming has an amazing future! The leaders are all working for the same goal and as a team, which is always the most important ingredient for success. Xiled Gaming has the support of most of our neighboring gaming communities. Nothing is better than all of the gaming communities working and playing the game together. XBOX LIVE has never been a more fun and exciting environment then right now. There are several gaming communities out there for you to choose from all with different approaches.

Xiled Gaming is about 3 things:

  • Sportsmanship
  • Respect
  • Fair Play

These three characteristics are very important to all of the members of Xiled Gaming! The quality of the gamer is most important and represents those values! When you...


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XILED GAMING is comprised of several X-leaders from many other gaming networks. These leaders have all joined forces to become the future of online gaming. As a team or a Council the original 11 leaders will all make decisions as a whole with no one person's agenda being higher than the others. This is truly how a democracy runs. Xiled Gaming members are held to the highest of standards and are above any petty drama that is sent their way. Xiled Gaming members are professional above all others and conduct themselves in a manner that is becoming of themselves and the organization.

Xiled Gaming does not have any alliances with any other gaming network and does not want any alliances. However we want to be friendly and professional with all who game on any platform. There are NO gamers that Xiled Gaming members are forbidden from playing with or hanging out with. Xiled Gaming is a community of all kinds of people all with different expectations of what they want from a gaming...

In Memory of EV Dragon

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EV Dragon joined our clan her forever home KoG Nemesis. She was shy but full of care and love. she would often talk with her dogs while in a party her clan members would get a giggle when she would talk to her dogs with a baby voice. she was a fighter and had to fight for a long time because of her medical issues. She now is at rest from her long and hard-fought battle. i just hope the joy she brought to us we were able to do so in turn for her. She came to us on 12/30/23 she was our Christmas gift. i personally and many others in nemesis would say we couldn't of asked for a better Christmas gift.

SYN Angel307 Memorial

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Remembering SYN Angel307
Composed by SYN Tragedy, SYN Sobi XS, and SYN Jay

SYN Angel307 joined SYN on October 28, 2023.
He was initially recruited into SYN Devil Dogs and remained there throughout his time in the XG Community.

On March 3, 2024, SYN Angel307, and his very large walking stick, left this mortal plain.

SYN Angel307, or Johnathan White for those that knew him on a more personal aspect, was a very devoted gamer/person. If anyone sent a message looking for someone to play a game with, he was the first to respond and volunteer himself, even if it meant that he had to download a game and start from scratch. His favorite games included: Destiny 2, Call Of Duty, Lethal Company, and Among Us. He played countless other games and had a particular interest in more laid back games over the competitive ones. He was at every meeting, every game night, and even hosted several of them when leadership was unavailable. During the Birthday Bash, he made an appearance in several of the...

SYN General Promotion SYN FinnyFloyd

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SYN FinnyFloyd has been a long time member of the community, first joining in April of 2014. He was previously known as FinnyFloyd96.

Most of his time in the community has been with SYN but he did spend some time in KoG as well. He found himself in SYN Mythic where he was one of the lieutenants. When SYN Mythic did a clan split, He went to the new clan SYN Gods and was promoted to captain.

During his time in SYN Gods as a captain, he continued to grow and he held the respect of the entire clan. He’s not afraid to get his hands dirty so to speak and get the job done.

After some change in leadership, SYN FinnyFloyd was promoted to general on January 22, 2024, and changed the name of the clan to SYN Guardians.

I want to congratulate SYN FinnyFloyd on his promotion to general and I look forward to seeing great things from him.


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Remembering XGC Quigley
Composed by XGC ManyHats

XGC Quigley Joined XGC on September 18, 2022.
He was initially recruited into XGC Section 8, before being transferred to XCG Xenith about a month later.

On December 14th 2023 XGC Quigley Left this world peacefully due to complications with his heart.

XGC Quigley, or Cody Peninger for those that knew him best was an avid gamer. It was difficult to find a time when he wasn't available to throw down on one of his favorite games, those being Sniper Elite 5, Ace Combat 7, Grid Legends, or Fight Night. He dabbled in other games as well, participating in game nights with his friends and squadmates in XGC Xenith, as well as those from other clans or the X Team challenges. He was a member that was definitely not afraid of speaking his mind, introducing new ideas and concepts to anyone that would listen. I myself considered him a "Little rough around the edges." That being said, if anyone needed anything, gaming related, or just needing an...


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It is my absolute honor to introduce you to XGC MOSTLY, General of XGC Evolution.

MOSTLY (also known as MARS during his time in the community) joined years ago, and has spent time floating around XG. Spending time in each division, and multiple clans, he was well versed in the website, discord, and members.

He came into his clan in April of 2023. Even when he was a sergeant, he took on other responsibilities, and did more than necessary for the growth of the clan. Although he was positive he didn't want leadership again, he was the first one that showed up when the clan needed someone. He has been a huge part of the growth and cultivation this clan needed from the ground up- all while earning the friendship and respect of his clan.

XGC MOSTLY has been absolutely crucial in the growth of XGC Evolution. . He leads quietly, but by example and I couldn't ask for a better fit General for Evolution. This is only the beginning for him. I can't wait to see all he is capable of doing...

A Night to Remember

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Let’s Party like it’s 2006!

As many of you know, Xiled Gaming was founded January 6th, 2006. If you are quick with the math, that means that on January 6th, 2024, Xiled Gaming will be turning 18! In honor of Xiled Gaming’s 18th birthday, the Events Team has organized a wide variety of Game Nights for the Community. It is my honor to list those game nights for you below. The Birthday Bash will have several different games to play, the first game starts at 5PM EST and the game nights will be wrapping up around midnight.

Xiled Gaming invites you to join in on this epic night of celebration!

The Game Nights are as follows:


Terraria on PC - Hosted by EmeDiffers


Monopoly - Hosted by SYN Weeb and SYN CHELL XD
Among Us - Hosted by SYN Jay


Fortnite - Hosted by SYN Sobi XS and SYN Tragedy
Grid Legends - Hosted by SYN Ohana XS and SYN Lex XS
Mario Kart - Hosted by...